Saturday, January 16, 2010

My Ultimate Classroom

I hope my future students will come from diverse economic and ethnic backgrounds. I worked at a school with children from mixed economic conditions. The children did not seem to notice or care if the other’s family had money or not. They played together anyway. I want my students to have this understanding. People can come from different backgrounds, but still be part of one class, one school, and one world.
Class size is another important consideration when thinking up the perfect classroom. The best case would be to have fourteen to eighteen children. I hope the maximum number not be more than twenty-five students. More than that and I would have trouble giving individual attention to each child. I have been in classes with only a dozen students and the learning curve and one-on-one attention were substantially better than in larger classes. With a smaller class size I can give my students the attention they need to succeed in the class.
With a class full of children, come twice as many parents. Hopefully they will care for their children’s education and help them with homework. I do not want to give too much homework. I know the children’s and parents’ out of school time is precious. I will only give what is truly necessary. With any luck they will also volunteer when needed.
There are many aspects to my ideal physical classroom. Windows are a must. These will let lots of natural light into the room. I will even take a classroom in a portable to get this sunshine. A large room would be wonderful. Each student should have their own desk. I feel they need this personal space. The desks need to have a place to keep all of their things inside. This way nothing will clutter the tops. All the desks should face the whiteboard. If desk are turned student with poor vision may not be able to see well. I would like to display the students work on the wall and outside the room. This way when parent come to visit they will know what the class has been working on. This is what I would like in my physical classroom.
I would also like to integrate technology in my classroom. I would like a laptop for each child to use in class. A Promethean™, interactive whiteboard, and a digital projector would be welcome addition to my future classroom. It is important that children have access to these new developments in the world of technology.
In conclusion, the most important thing in my classroom will be the children. I want to give them a safe and comfortable place to learn. Where they can learn and grow free from stress and frustration. Then they can go on to get good grade in high school and college. Hopefully they can take lesson from my class to become better, stronger, and responsible adults.

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