Saturday, January 23, 2010

Reflections on Google Document and Calendar

This week in class we learned all about Google Calendar and Google Document. Both are free as part of a Google Gmail account.

Google Calendar is what it sounds like. It is a time management tool that can be accessed from any computer on the internet. It is private unless you’d like to share it with family, friends, or publish it for all to see. I loved many of the features of Google Calendar. You can make different calendars for all the areas of your life. They can then be color coded and placed on the same grid. Google Calendars makes it easy to add events and tasks. A reminder will then be E-mailed or even texted to you. While I love the idea of Google Calendar, mine will probably stay blank. It would take me too long to add in all the aspects of my life. I would need a day or two off just to get it organized. Yes, it will stay unused just like the calendar on my I-pod touch. My good old wall calendar and my school planner are all I need to stay well organized.

While Google Calendar is fun and very user friendly, Google Documents is not. I have spent an entire week trying to figure out how to insert one little picture of myself into my document. The program would not let me pick-up pictures and move them where I needed them to go. After working with Google Document, I was missing my Microsoft Word. I did like that you can change the language of your document. This will be handy when I take Spanish classes. Google Documents did have a few other features I liked. You can work on your document from any computer without having to e-mail in an attachment or save it on a jump drive. Also you can work on it collaboratively by inviting other to you document. Another nice feature was when you are done the document can be published on the internet. These last two are helpful when working on group projects with other students, teachers, or faculty.

Both applications may affect my future as a teacher. I could make a Google Calendar for my future class and publish it for the parent and students. This will help them stay informed. A student will not be able to say “I didn’t know when the homework was due.” Also the school could have one for all important information and dates. I could assign each of my students to make their own calendar. This would give them a sense of ownership and responsibility. Then maybe assignment would be turned in on time. The uses for Google Calendar are limitless.

Unless improved, I would not assign the use of Google Document to my young students, though they would probably have more luck then I did. I would be able to use the language feature to make newsletters in Spanish and English. Truth be told, I will probably never want to use this program again.

“I am what I learn”-Rene H.

I loved this week’s video. This teenager had such passion for life and education. She was not going to let her mother’s sickness or her father being in jail stop her from her dream. She wanted to be a film maker. Unlike some children today, she was motivated and disciplined. She was also caring and said she would help her mother with the money if she won the video contest. I am glad she did win. If she stays on this path she will reach her goal. As a teacher, I hope to instill this kind of passion for learning in my students.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great description...I enjoyed reading it.
    I would suggest that in the future you utilize the What? So What? Now What? and Video labels for the different paragraphs. This will ensure that you receive full points each week.
